Sarcophilus harrisii or The Tasmanian Devil are apparently one of the most feared animals in the world due to their bad temper and grumpy nature they are unpredictable and can spin into a rage for no obvious reason. Some describe them as 'repulsively endearing' but I think they are amazing little creatures and rather cute animals which I why when I got to meet them I was so disturbed to hear about their plight. They have just in the past week been placed on the endangered species list due to a nasty cancer spread from devil to devil by biting each other, this is the first know instance of cancer spreading in this way and could prove fatal to the devils there are currently no 'save the devil' foundations or 'sponsor a devil' schemes but i will let you know. Apparently the Tasmanian ministry has recently appointed an officer with the specific role of monitoring and tackling the cancer situation (unfortunately i did not see it advertised!)
Some amazing devil facts I have collected over the past few weeks reading...
A devil will have 20 babies per litter no bigger than the head of a match stick in size.
A devils ears will go bright red when it is angry
A fully grown Tasmanian Devil has jaws 9 times stronger than a pit bull terrier and comparable to those of a croc.
Devils eat only meat and will eat all of their prey even the bones.
A devil can open its jaws to a 90 degree angle.
If a devil has a fat tail it means its very healthy as that's where they store all their fat ! also why they have a funny walk !
They do spin and growl like the Warner brothers 'taz' WB have copyrighted the image of the Tasmanian devil.
The Tasmanian devil can eat over 40% its own body weight in 30 minutes.
awesome!! they are kind of cute in a ferocious sort of way!!
This is great info to know.
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