No it was not an accident. I have always had a daring silly streak and what better way to feed it
than jumping from a plane at 12,000 ft with a manic 20 year old sports sky diver !? Well its been a year of changes and ups and downs for me this was one of the most spectacular uppers and downer of 2007. A real injection of
Adrenalin which took a good 24 hours later before i could walk talk and think properly again but one of the most
awesome things I have
challenged my self to...think i could become an
Adrenalin junkie and sky dive addict. It was a really peaceful and relaxing experience in a way that i can not yet find the words for.

Falling through the rain clouds prickles and stings !
thats me upside down, spinning round and round tandem jumper treated me to some sports tricks

Smooth landing...big smiles !

return to earth still able to walk...just ! Gareth ensures I am intact.
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