Heather goes to the diary room (front bus seat)... Hello Big brother...I am really enjoying my first day of the 10 day road trip the others seem nice although apart from Shona I am not sure I have much in common with them at all...as the days go on and the following I became quite attached to my fellow road trip mates and now miss their company...for most this will be a boring blog but reflecting on my journal I want to say a few things about each person on the trip and some of my favourite memories of my time with them, I hope they read this post and it raises a smile.
In order from left to right on the photo...
Mike from Blackpool...Fu**ing Flies...although Mike loves his sleep he had an irritating ability to wake the group with fly comments and his alarm clock in the early hours of the morning Nooooo Neeeeeeeeed !
Nina from Germany soon to be in Birmingham I hope we can catch up. Always looking immaculate (even when camping) and with a wonderful selection of bikinis Nina was also very quiet with the sweetest smile and always the first to help in the kitchen.
Heiki from Germany Loveeeely whatever Trevor and various ape impressions later...a 2 beer wonder wish I was so cheap to get drunk ! a very funny drunk indeed but perhaps a little dangerous as well.
Yvonne from Holland I think Yvonne was rather suspicious of me to begin with perhaps i was to but as the days went by she lowered her guard and we shared some good times... on the beach
Shona - love everything about this great Scottish bird...she is class I am sure will will share many an adventure in future, key moments; music, gallons of wine and goon, BBRT journals, not sleeping for 4 days straight and jointly trying to cheer people up when sad.
Fletch - from South Korea although initially we face a huge language barrier a smile broke this down. Some people just make the world a better place by being in it. We love Fletch and his portable multi media player !!! he is great at setting the table and always first to spot a photo opportunity although he really scares lizards just by looking at them...a real talent.
Monica from Italy "Bella" "Mama Mia" !!! where to start, "oh Jesus" hates early mornings loves group pees in the bush or on the beach as long as they are followed by a cigarette, even if it is 3 am and she has just been accidentally sat on in her bed by Shona ! You can always make her smile.
Petra from Germany my accident prone companion getting stranded on a coral reef, falling off cliffs and then doing a sky dive with the most confidence I have ever seen in anyone ever ! well done I think we faced a lot of things on the trip and survived !
Locky the "guide" he never did a head count once, I fell off a cliff into a river and he was non the wiser and most of the time he was drunk or stoned (not when driving though !) for all these reasons he was the best guide you could wish for...memories are too many ...camping it upto to Yazz "the only way is up...Baby !" at 8 am whilst the majority of people were sleeping. Locky did know everything about Australia a proper OZ bloke...Thank You for putting up with us ! I think the pic below says it all after 10 days, 7 woman and some serious drinking.